Care Tips for Glowing Face

Care Tips for Glowing Face – Facial skin is one of the objects that can be seen by many people. Therefore, most people really take care of the face to get a healthy and glowing face. The following are tips for caring for a glowing face

1. Use products high in antioxidants

Scientifically, products with high antioxidant content are proven to be effective in treating skin health. With a miraculous function, antioxidants provide protection against free radicals caused by UV rays and air pollution.

Not only that, products with high antioxidants can also help overcome dull skin and prevent premature aging. Types of antioxidants that you can try are vitamin C, vitamin E, Retinol, Niacinimide, and Charcoal.

2. Exfoliate your face regularly

Exfoliation is one of the most crucial activities in caring for the face. According to its function, exfoliation removes dirt on the inside of dead skin cells so that skincare products can be absorbed properly. This is why exfoliation is so important.

No need to do it every day, just exfoliate 2-3 times a week. This is because the active ingredients in exfoliating skincare are prone to breakouts. Therefore, after every exfoliation, it is recommended to rest the skin with a focus on maintaining moisture.

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3. Keep your skin moist

One way to monitor the health of facial skin is to keep it moist. If the skin is dry due to lack of nutrition, then the skin is more prone to causing fine lines and wrinkles. Of course you don’t want to, do you?

Therefore, keep your skin moist at all times. You can do this by using products that contain one of the active substances, namely Hyaluronic acid. Not only that, eating nutritious foods, maintaining drinking water intake, and getting enough rest can help moisturize your skin, you know.

4. Use sunscreen, both indoors and outdoors

Many beginners are still wrong in using sunscreen every day. Have you used sunscreen even though you’re indoors yet?

The content in sunscreen plays an important role in protecting the skin from sun exposure. Of course you don’t want your skin to burn like boiled crab, right?

Other benefits that can be obtained are preventing premature aging, fine wrinkles, blackheads, and keeping the skin color evenly aka not striped. Keep in mind, sunscreen must always be reused every 2-3 hours, yes!


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